Research & Development

On Arts-based research, open-source sonification techniques and acoustic VR experiences in times of pandemonium

7 days of travel from Punta Arenas, 32 hours of waiting in front of the Yelcho scientific station. Waiting on the high seas for the favorable weather window to continue sailing, supposes a dislocation of space and time. The parallel 66 ° 33 ′ 46 ″ passes in front of us. A still image exposed to 24 hours of light on a 360 ° horizon. … The staticity of the sea in the bay of Yelcho. An abrupt and mountainous environment, added to the roar of the katabatic winds, generates a rupture of perception in scale and distance. The wait. It only remains to advance the small way to the base. – space for registration- The devices through their sensors capture the sense of place. A viewing angle of 46 ° is contrasted with the spherical and immersive recording of the hertziosphere, where the alterity of bodies and anthropogenic frequencies are contrasted with the autochthonous ones.
Travel notes 2019-202 Antarctica.

On remote sensing

How to explore new, sustainable mechanisms of sensing and inhabiting the environment through ecoacoustics and the analysis of the hertzian sphere?  How collective arts and sciences research through experimental methods can upgrade the actual state of accumulating observational evidence into deforestation and global climate change?

Inhabiting the hertzian sphere

The nature that we imagine, that we think we feel or idolize, is a distorted version of the real, transformed by complex cognitive and perceptual processes, which makes us lose a deeper and perhaps a more satisfying form of realism. To reach a deeper realism requires moving away from what we call nature, in order to perceive it towards the real, where through its expression, it evokes a supernatural state, opposed to the natural or in a state beyond it. 


Víctor Mazón Gardoqui I April 2022

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